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Ecotoxicology laboratory was generated in 1992 in order to support the chemical control, according to European Union’s specifications. Ecotoxicology is the impact assessment of the chemical substances on living organisms but humans.

Ecotoxicity assays are essential for the comprehensive and prompt identification and prevention of pollution. When only chemical control is implemented then:

    • the effects of the concurrent exposure to toxic substances and their toxic interactions cannot be determined. On contrary, ecotoxicity assays show the effect of chemical substances present in a sample on living organisms.
    • chemical control covers only the 10-20% of the important toxicological pollutants in the water, and finally
    • the limit of toxic effects particularly of the carcinogenic and genotoxic substances may be less than the analytical determination limit.

The complexity of environmental issues requires an integrated approach to investigate not only the extent and type of pollution but also the potential impact on the ecosystem. Ecotoxicity tests can identify synergistic interactions of various chemicals found in an environmental sample, which is not possible with chemical analysis. The integration of Chemistry and Biology allows for identification of emerging pollution at early stages and provide for early response to accidental or deliberate pollution on water-supply systems.

Since 1996 the development of expertise and infrastructure of the S.G.L. Laboratories has been approached, in order to cover the entirety of the range of chemical and biological aspects of the European requirements and particularly of the Water Directive Water Framework 2000/60/E.E. requirements.


Ecotoxicity testes on bacteria, algae, daphnia and also genotoxicity assays are applied at Ecotoxicology laboratory. Genotoxicity assays can show point mutations and other alteration of the DNA.

The samples being tested are mainly water samples. In specific: surface water, drinking water, refinery water, sediments, residential waste water, industrial and other waste water and chemical substances dissolved in water. In addition research programmes are taking place for the examination of the ecotoxicity sequences of the use of recycle water for irrigation and enrichment of boreholes. For example is mentioned the programme of Ezousa’s aquifer.

Apart from ecotoxicity test, laboratory implements environmental biomonitoring. This is carried out to meet the requirements of the European Directive 2000/60 for the quality of surface water. In specific, the concentration of chlorophyll a of the dams is being tested in regular time through the year with a spectrphotometric method. Chlorophyll a is an indicator of abundance for phytoplankton and biomass in water. Furthermore is an effective measurement of the organic mass and thus is used as an indicator of the good quality of water. High concentrations of chlorophyll a reflect degradation of the water and thus is necessary a through the year monitoring.


In the past, several research programmes have been implemented at the Ecotoxicology laboratory. Some of the research projects investigated toxicity of pharmaceuticals, others studied the presence of genotoxic substances in recycled water, in reservoirs and in potable water; other projects were about the investigation of the presence of dioxins in food etc. The “ADAQUA” project was the most recent one. It was carried out in corporation with Water, Pharmaceuticals and Cosmetics Microbiological Control Laboratory. Samples from different points of the Garyllis and Limnatis river were analysed with Microtox Test for the presence of toxic substances. For more information you can visit the website of the “ADAQUA” project: http://www.moh.gov.cy/moh/adaqua/adaqua.nsf.

The scope of accreditation of the Laboratory according to ISO/IEC 17025:2017 can be found on the web page CYS-CYSAB (Accredited Bodies, Laboratories of the State General Laboratory of Cyprus).

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