
Republic of Cyprus
Ministry of Health

Areas of Public Health Promotion/ Prevention and Continuous Professional Development

04. Participation and contribution to National Strategies and Committees related to public health

04. Participation and contribution to National Strategies and Committees related to public health

The Nursing Service Administration of the Ministry of Health, as a point of contact for monitoring Nursing and Midwifery at the national level, it aims to ensure Nursing and Midwifery in accordance with European guidelines and best practices, harmonized with the integrated action plan for Public Health. It collaborates and supports the Public Health Policy within the framework of strategic planning and the implementation of Action Plans, in coordination with relevant departments and services.

The Nursing Services Department engages in the following activities:
  • Analysis and formulation of policies and strategic plans, providing advice for their implementation (development of laws, improvement of access, development of information systems for Public Health, implementation of quality improvement strategies, monitoring and evaluation of standards and guidelines).
  • Submission of proposals and participation in European Cross-Border Programs aiming at the development, transfer, and/or implementation of innovative practices in Public Health (e.g., Technical Support Program for Structural Reforms of the European Union (TSI) DG REFORM - Support for the Mental Resilience of Youth in Cyprus 2023 by the Nursing Services Department).
  • Implementation of joint initiatives that promote collaboration, cooperative learning, and exchange of experiences at the European level (Erasmus programs).
  • Implementation of Prevention and Harm Reduction Programs within the framework of the National Strategy for Addressing Addiction 2021-2028 (Immediate Access and Harm Reduction Program Target & Preventive Nursing Mental Health Program "Evolution").
  • Implementation of Prevention and Education Interventions within National Action Plans, e.g., the National Action Plan for Disability 2021-2023.
  • Participation of Nursing Services Department officials in committees and working groups related to Public Health (National Advisory Committee on Vaccinations, Implementation Committee for the Strategy for Sexual and Reproductive Health of Youth, Working Group for the Development of a National Strategy for Ageing and health, etc.).

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Covid-19 | Στατιστικά Δεδομένα Εμβολιασμού

Μάθε. Κρίνε. Πράξε.

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